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Why go outdoors?

As an avid outdoorsman and conservationist, I sometimes get people asking why I care so much about nature, or why I want to share my love of the outdoors with everyone else. Well, there isn't an easy answer to that, but I'll do my best to break it down.

Nature is beautiful

The world we live in is fraught with anger, ugliness, and hate. Being outside the confines of "civilization" (such as it is) reminds us that this world has so much more to offer than what we see on the news.

Nature is refreshing

When I'm on the trail, I have the opportunity to let go of my stress and just live in the moment—much more so than anywhere else. It's a mental "reset button" that I desperately need at the end of a long work week.

Nature is cool!

Geology, ecology, biology, zoology… what other sciences can I fit in here? Every time I'm out I discover something that takes my breath away.

Nature needs our help

Anthropogenic climate change is real. There is no question regarding humankind's impact on the global climate (except by those with an agenda harmful to humanity). We need to do everything we can to protect this planet, for the sake of our own survival.

As the late, great George Carlin said, "The planet is fine. The people are f---ed!" If we want to continue living in this world, it is necessary to learn to live with this world. We are a part of nature just as much as any other animal. It's time we realized it before it's too late and we're gone.

The Earth will move on without us. Do we really want that kind of future?